Why Patroller Wellness? And What Is It?
Patrollers are not all the same or have the same background
Stress Injury Risk for Patrollers Helping to keep people safe in the outdoors is what we do. Helping to keep ourselves safe - physically, mentally and emotionally - is what we must do. Think about our patrollers who has not seen a bad call or have been on that call and may not be ok after it. Northern Division is dedicated to;
Peer Support "A critical incident is any event or experience, usually unexpected which has the power to overwhelm the defenses of an individual." It is not uncommon for people to experience some distress in response to a traumatic event, even when these events are faced routinely. Peer support programs have been implemented to address stress and psychological trauma among law-enforcement personnel and firefighters as well as emergency medical responders. Peer support can take many shapes, with the informal ones happening spontaneously and naturally, especially when people witness one another in difficult moments and do their best to offer some comfort, and the more formal ones in organizations and public services, for which peer supporters may need a special certification and training. Common Reactions to Stress
Just asking if they are ok might not be enough. This is why the peer support team or person follows up. Patroller Stories The following are first hand events written by your fellow patrollers, and how they handled the stress of an incident. Click on the blue and open hyperlink
Patroller Wellness Resources:
For more information, and additional resources, contact Jeff Azure. Also, download the document below for presentation information regarding patroller wellness. ![]()